Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Enemies Chained: | Enemies snared with Searing Chains |
Inscribed Sleight of Fist Multi-Kills: | Multi-kills with Sleight of Fist |
Inscribed Flame Guard Damage Absorbed: | Damage absorbed by Flame Guard |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Creeps Enchanted: | Creeps enchanted with Enchant |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Multi-Hero Chronospheres: | Catching multiple heroes in Chronosphere |
Inscribed Chronosphere Kills: | Kills inside Chronosphere |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Sunstrike Kills: | Kills with Sun Strike |
Inscribed Tornado Kills: | Kills with Tornado |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Omnislash Jumps: | Omnislash jumps |
Inscribed Blade Fury Damage: | Amount of Blade Fury damage |
Inscribed Blade Dance Crits: | Blade Dance crits |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Illuminate Kills: | Kills with Illuminate |
Inscribed Mana Leak stuns: | Stuns caused by Mana Leak |
Inscribed Teammates Recalled: | Teammates recalled with Recall |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Double-Hero Torrents: | Catching 2 heroes with Torrent |
Inscribed Triple-Hero Ghost Ships: | Hitting 3 heroes with Ghost Ship |
Gem | Tracked Stat | Availability |
Inscribed Duels Won: | Duels won | VAR |
Inscribed Duels Lost: | Duels lost | VAR |
Inscribed Triple-Hero Overwhelming Odds: | Hitting 3 heroes with Overwhelming Odds | yakında... |
Inscribed Moment of Courage Life Stolen: | Life stolen with Moment of Courage | yakında.... |
Inscribed Seconds Spent Dueling: | Time spent in Duel | yakında... |
Rune of the Duelist Indomitable | Duels won | yakında... |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Split Earth Stuns: | Stuns with Split Earth |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Sacrifices: | Units converted with Sacrifice |
Inscribed Chain Frost Bounces: | Number of Chain Frost bounces |
Inscribed Chain Frost Double Kills: | Killing two heroes with Chain Frost |
Inscribed Chain Frost Triple Kills: | Killing three heroes with Chain Frost |
Inscribed Ice Armor Casts: | Times Ice Armor cast |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Kills while Raged: | Kills with Rage |
Inscribed Enemies killed with Open Wounds: | Kills while target is under Open Wounds |
Inscribed Enemies killed leaving Infest: | Kills when leaving a unit affected by Infest |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Dragon Slave Kills: | Kills with Dragon Slave |
Inscribed Light Strike Array Stuns: | Stuns with Light Strike Array |
Inscribed Laguna Blade Kills: | Kills with Laguna Blade |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Finger Kills: | Kills with Finger of Death |
Inscribed Mana Drained: | Amount of Mana drained with Mana Drain from enemy Heroes |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Eclipse Kills: | Kills with Eclipse |
Inscribed Lucent Beam Kills: | Kills with Lucent Beam |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Shapeshifted Kills: | Kills while under Shapeshift |
Inscribed Wolves Summoned: | Wolves summoned with Summon Wolves |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Enemies Petrified: | Enemies turned to stone with Stone Gaze |
Inscribed Mystic Snake Mana Stolen: | Mana stolen with Mystic Snake |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Successful Earthbinds: | Catching enemy heroes with Earthbind |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Maximum Stun Arrows: | Maximum time stuns with Sacred Arrow |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Morphs to Replicate: | Times you took the place of your Replicate |
Inscribed Heroes Replicated: | Heroes Replicated |
Inscribed Max Adaptive Strike Stuns: | Maximum time stuns with Adaptive Strike |
Inscribed Max Damage Adaptive Strikes: | Maximum damage hits with Adaptive Strike |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Enemies Ensnared: | Enemies caught with Ensnare |
Inscribed Triple-Hero Rip Tides: | Hitting 3 heroes with Rip Tide |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Trees Created: | Trees created with Sprout |
Inscribed Treants Created: | Treants created with Nature's Call |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed 4X Multicast Fireblasts: | 4X Multicast Fireblast |
Inscribed 4X Multicast Ignites: | 4X Multicast Ignite |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Purifications: | Times Purification cast |
Inscribed Allies Repelled: | Repel cast on allies |
Inscribed Enemies Repelled: | Repel cast on enemies |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Intelligence Stolen: | Amount of intelligence stolen with Astral Imprisonment |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Coup de Grace Crits: | Crits with Coup de Grace |
Inscribed Dagger Crits: | Crits with Stifling Dagger |
Inscribed Dagger Last Hits: | Last hits with Stifling Dagger |
Inscribed Phantom Strike Kills: | Kills with Phantom Strike |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Kills with Illusory Orb: | Kills with Illusory Orb |
Inscribed Triple-Hero Dream Coils: | Catching 3 heroes with Dream Coil |
Inscribed Triple-Hero Waning Rifts: | Hitting 3 heroes with Waning Rift |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Flesh Heap Total: | Amount of Flesh Heap stacks |
Inscribed Dismember Kills: | Kills with Dismember |
Inscribed Enemy Heroes Hooked: | Enemy heroes caught with Meat Hook |
Inscribed Meat Hook Kills: | Kills with Meat Hook |
Inscribed Unseen Enemies Hooked: | Enemies caught with Meat Hook without vision |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Gem Carriers Killed: | Killing a hero carrying a Gem of True Sight |
Inscribed Heroes Killed Inside Smoke: | Killing heroes inside Smoke Screen |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Spells Stolen: | Abilities stolen with Spell Steal |
Inscribed Ultimates Stolen: | Ultimate Abilities stolen with Spell Steal |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Epicenter Kills: | Kills with Epicenter |
Inscribed Burrowstrike Stuns: | Enemies stunned with Burrowstrike |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Hexed Enemies Killed: | Enemies killed while under Hex |
Inscribed Serpent Wards Summoned: | Serpent Wards summoned with Mass Serpent Ward |
Inscribed Shackled Enemies Killed: | Enemies killed while under Shackles |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Flare Kills: | Kills with Mystic Flare |
Inscribed Ancient Seal Kills: | Kills while target is under Ancient Seal |
Inscribed Concussive Shot Kills: | Kills with Concussive Shot |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Leashed Enemies: | Enemies caught with Pounce |
Inscribed Essence Stolen: | Amount of stats stolen with Essence Shift |
Inscribed Debuffs Purged: | Debuffs purged with Dark Pact |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Assassination Kills: | Enemies killed with Assassinate |
Inscribed Shrapnel Tower Damage: | Damage done to towers with Shrapnel |
Inscribed Headshot Stuns: | Enemies stunned with Headshot |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Ball Lightning Kills: | Enemies killed with Ball Lightning |
Inscribed Ball Lightning Damage: | Damage dealt with Ball Lightning |
Inscribed Static Remnant Double Kills: | Killing two heroes with Static Remnant |
Inscribed Electric Vortex Kills: | Enemies killed while under Electric Vortex |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Multi-Hero Storm Hammers: | Hitting multiple heroes with Storm Hammer |
Inscribed Warcry Assists: | Allies buffed with Warcry |
Inscribed Multi-Hero Cleave Kills: | Killing multiple heroes with Great Cleave |
Inscribed Storm Hammered Teleports: | Interrupting teleports with Storm Hammer |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Meld Kills: | Enemies killed with the bonus damage from Meld |
Inscribed Traps Triggered: | Number of times Psionic Trap is triggered |
Inscribed Refraction Damage Absorbed: | Amount of damage absorbed by Refraction |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Enemies Gushed: | Enemies hit with Gush |
Inscribed Quad Ravages: | Catching 4 heroes with Ravage |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Heat-Seeking Missile Double Kills: | Double Kills with Heat-Seeking Missile |
Inscribed Laser Kills: | Kills with Laser |
Inscribed Teleports to Base: | Teleports to your Fountain with Boots of Travel or Town Portal Scroll |
Inscribed Rearms: | Times Rearm used |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Snowball Stuns: | Enemies stunned with Snowball |
Inscribed Walrus Punches: | Enemies punched with Walrus PUNCH! |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Multi-Hero Earthshocks: | Hitting multiple enemies with Earthshock |
Inscribed Earthshocked Enemies Killed: | Enemies affected by Earthshock killed |
Inscribed Kills While Enraged: | Enemies killed while using Enrage |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Enemies Stunned: | Enemies stunned with Magic Missile |
Inscribed Enemies Swapped: | Enemies swapped by Nether Swap |
Inscribed Triple-Hero Wave of Terrors: | Hitting 3 heroes with Wave of Terror |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Five-Hero Fatal Bonds: | Catching five heroes with Fatal Bonds |
Inscribed Fatal Bond Kills: | Kills with Fatal Bonds |
Inscribed Golems Summoned: | Golems summoned with Chaotic Offering |
Inscribed Golem Kills: | Enemies Killed with a Golem from Chaotic Offering |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Double Shackles: | Catching 2 heroes with Shackleshot |
Inscribed Multi-Hero Powershots: | Hitting multiple heroes with Powershot |
Inscribed Buildings Focus Fired: | Focus Fire used on buildings |
Inscribed Powershot Kills: | Kills with Powershot |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Cask Stuns: | Stuns with Paralyzing Cask |
Inscribed Malediction Kills: | Kills by Maledict |
Inscribed Multi-Hero Maledicts: | Catching multiple heroes with Maledict |
Inscribed Voodoo Restoration Health: | Amount of health healed with Voodoo Restoration |
Inscribed Kills with Death Ward: | Kills with Death Ward |
Gem | Tracked Stat |
Inscribed Reincarnation Kills: | Kills after Reincarnation |